Monday, November 29, 2010

Finding the Real Camino

August 25, 2010: 

                AJ and I were rescued this morning by a kindly man out walking brush country with his German shepherd dog.  He redirected us off of a “Camino Real” diversion that we had mistaken for our Pilgrim way.  Later, we chanced upon him and his friends in a taberna where we had stopped for a fortifying Café con Leche.
                We have reached Requejo de Sanabria (KM 757) tonight, with its hill slope refugio open but empty.  It has beautiful San Lorenzo church surrounded by well cared for graves.  You can climb into its bell tower on an open, exterior wall stairway.  The town, though bisected by a highway, is quiet.  The world passes it by on a Wednesday on a nearby autopista main road.  Its Bar-Tienda Bañao restaurant makes a pleasant afternoon oasis.